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Showing posts from January 3, 2011

Tuesday's Tips: Freezing Cranberries/Using Christmas Cards to Pray

With the close of the holidays, cranberries can be had for a song right now! It is a great time to buy a few bags and freeze them. Freezing cranberries is super easy and allows us to enjoy our cranberry recipes throughout the year! Not many (if any!) of our small grocery stores here in the rural South have the freezer space available to stock frozen cranberries. Luckily, dried cranberries are readily available, but they don’t work well for all recipes. Frozen cranberries can be easily substituted for fresh cranberries in many, if not most, instances. Here’s an easy, convenient way to keep some on hand:  Dump cranberries in a colander and wash well, removing any damaged or blemished berries. Pour washed cranberries onto trays lined with paper towels and allow to dry completely. Roll them around from time to time and change the paper toweling, if necessary. It is important that the berries be dry before freezing. Water on the berries will crystallize when frozen and damage the ber...