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Showing posts from August 13, 2009

Meal Plan for August 17th - 23rd

It's meal plan day!! Did y'all think I forgot?!! Larry was off, and we've had a good bit going on around the house most of the day! So, I'm posting this a little later than usual! Don't forget to: 1. Tidy your fridge, and 2. Sort your coupons before making your meal plan for next week!! Cooking Quote of the Week: "In cooking, as in all arts, simplicity is the sign of perfection." ~ Curnonsky And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17 Since we will be starting back with school work next week, I've chosen some really simple dishes for our meals. Thank you so much for sending some delicious, easy recipes for us to try. Please continue to do this!! I pray that each of you will find joy in your week as you serve the Lord in His established place for you! Many blessings and happy cookin' ~ Connie Monday - Savory Beef Noodle Dinner, Corn-0n-the Cob and...