Pecans are my favorite nuts! They are a member of the hickory family. Hickory trees are native to North America, growing easily in most areas. The wood is extremely strong and is a very versatile building material. Of course, it's the hickory's nuts that are this tree's great claim to fame. These edible delicacies of nature have a long history of use here in the South. American naturalist, William Bartram, documented in 1773 that he saw 100 bushels of hickory nuts that were stored at just a single Creek Indian family home in Georgia. Since pecans are a variety of hickory nut, it's entirely possible that what he saw was pecans. Speaking of the Creek Indians, I have heard this phase all my life and assumed it referred to a body of water. "God willing and the creek don’t rise” Around here most folks say, "Lord willing and the..." The other day I heard that the "Creek" in this phrase refers to the American Indian tribe, not a tributary...
Recipes and Ramblings from a Southern Cook