Many thanks to Jean Stockdale for inviting us all to participate in today's Five Things Friday . Jean is a Christian author and speaker. She is blessed to worship and serve at one of the great Southern Baptist Churches in the South, Bellevue in Memphis, TN. Jean is a true encourager of moms. Be sure to hop over to her site for a visit. You'll be blessed! Today's 5 things were to be 5 favorite sayings. Y'all know a talker like me wouldn't even know where to begin with that broad of a subject - and with a limit of 5, no less! Well, since I'm a Southern girl through-and-through and my blog is food-oriented, I narrowed the choices to Southern sayings that contain words about food. As you'll see, I still had trouble limiting myself... Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 1. “Like white on rice” - meaning inseparable He was all over that plate of fried chicken like white on rice. 2. “Butter my biscuit” - ...
Recipes and Ramblings from a Southern Cook